Arthur G. Wemple

Arthur Garfield Wemple (1881-1938) came to Holt in 1899 and purchased the John Ferguson farm in North Holt. The Wemples sold the farm in 1920 to the Krentel Brothers, developers from Lansing. The Krentel Bros. along with fellow developer Charles Tolland platted and developed Sterling Farms subdivision on the Wemple farm. The neighborhood still exists with streets named for the involved parties - Wemple St., Krentel Ave., Tolland Ave., and Fay Ave. 

After selling his farm to developers in 1920, Wemple moved to the former Dan H. Rice farm east of Holt, located at the corner of Holt Rd. and College Road. He was an active community member, serving on the Holt Board of Education, the Holt United Methodist Church Board of Trustees, Superintendent of the Methodist Church's Sunday School, and on the Delhi Township Board of Review. 


Ronald VanErmen


Chester M. Wilcox