Dr. Leverett R. Chaddock
Leverett Richmond Chaddock was born August 7, 1824 in Alexander, Genesee County, New York, to Dennis and Polly (Shepard) Chaddock. Much of Leverett’s early education was earned at the seminaries of Alexander and Bethany in Genesee County. In 1845, he moved to Michigan and settled in Lapeer County, then moved on to Ionia County. Chaddock attended medical colleges in Cleveland and Chicago.
In 1845, he married Maria Nancy Freeman. In 1849, he taught in Otisco Township, Ionia County, Michigan. By 1850, Leverett and Maria had come by covered wagon to Delhi Township and settled into their log cabin. After being settle for a while, the Chaddocks built a home. It stood off modern day Cedar Street, south of Holt Road near the hardware store. A news bulletin from the 1870s noted that Dr. Chaddock was the first person in town to put a sidewalk in front of his home. The Chaddock home is described as a large square house with a cupola on top.
In his early years practicing medicine in Delhi, he made calls by horseback. Eventually, he made calls by horse and buggy. Leverett practiced medicine in Delhi Township for over 40 years. In 1852, there was a Smallpox outbreak in Delhi. Dr. Chaddock was employed by the township along with nurses to provide assistance with the outbreak.
In 1879, he was elected Supervisor of Delhi Township, thereby also finding a place on the Ingham County Board of Supervisors.
After nearly a half century of medical practice in Delhi, Dr. Chaddock retired in 1884. He had become a respected elder of the community with an impeccable reputation. In retirement, he was often called upon for council by younger local physicians. Mrs. Chaddock was described as a very quite, sedate woman, highly particular in all she did.
Dr. Chaddock became less active in the latter years of his life. In his final weeks, he came down in pneumonia and suffered a stroke. He died on November 20, 1900 at 76 years old. Dr. and Mrs. Chaddock are buried in Maple Ridge Cemetery with a sizable marker in the old section of the cemetery.