Join the Holt-Delhi Historical Society and board member Inge Kyler as we commemorate the centennial of the Holt Fire Department. The program will be held on February 29, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., at the Sam Corey Senior Center, 2108 North Cedar Street, Holt.
Founded on February 14, 1924, the originally all-volunteer department has gone through many changes through the years. From the first chief George Shaw, to the longest-serving chief Clayton Quenby, to the first fulltime chief Stanley Morrison, to current chief Brian Ball, just eight chiefs have led the department in the last 100 years. The first source of transportation for equipment was a REO Speedwagon equipped with a tank and hose apparatus. Next time you visit the Holt Farmers’ Market think about the years of department history happened in its walls as the main department house, built in 1959.
We extend our well wishes to the Holt Fire Department for another successful 100 years on this centennial anniversary of their founding!